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EFT Secure Logo
Powered by Fintech

Fintech Secure EFT Enrollment

Your invoices will be paid automatically according to the due date listed on the invoice.

Keep your terms and get your credits electronically

NO CHARGE for businesses with 10 accounts or less

Eliminates payment by cash, check, or money order

Replaces prepaid and escrow accounts

Speeds up deliveries

Ensures state liquor law compliance

Quick and easy sign-up, no credit check required

Guarantees on-time payments

About EFT Pay

Your account will be live 5-7 days after you have completed the enrollment process*
*The time line of 5-7 business days is based on the average time to go live for retailers.

Have questions about Fintech's EZenroll process?
Contact a Fintech representative at:
1-800-572-0854 option 1

If you are unable to use Fintech EZenroll, please contact:
Joe Stein
614-294-3555 ext. 2111

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